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The year is 2080.
After the onslaught of the Meteoras, humanity clung to life by fleeing underground. For two hundred years, they carved out a meager existence in the earth's bosom, lacking in water, energy, and even sunlight. However, in an effort to defeat the Meteoras, humanity came together, constructing an advanced subterranean city with powerful defenses. These efforts culminated in the creation of the Anti-Meteora Humanoid Urban Defense Weapon, the Makhia. In the present year of 2280, humanity's struggle to reclaim the surface from the Meteoras continues...
Alien beings 400 meters tall that suddenly appeared on the surface in 2080. Humanity's greatest foe that has brought it nearly to the brink of extinction. Two hundred years have passed since their appearance, yet very little is known about what they are, or what they are after.
A contact lens-style AR display device, invented by humanity's most brilliant mind, Professor Julie. With underground society being bereft of sunlight, it is an essential item for everyone's survival. As of January 2280, 98% of the population is equipped with them.
AR (Augmented Reality) platform used by the residents of the underground society. Sphere has a wide variety of features, such as the ability to customize visual textures the user sees, social media services, life logs, and even a Decision Support System.
Official Name: Psychological Stress Reduction Decision Support System. This system analyzes an individual's Sphere logs to present them with optimized decisions. By displaying residents' choices to them in visual form, it has lowered the stress and aggression of the general public.
Official Name: Artificial Augmented Reality Crystal. The general name in 2280 for Artificial Intelligence, invented by Professor Julie. Unlike previous iterations of AI, an AARC uses multidimensional learning to draw closer to humanity. In practical terms, they are used in a variety of systems in the underground city.
An earring-shaped device worn by the underground residents. These devices operate in constant sync with GraiEyes as well as the Spheres spread throughout the underground world, making life without one near-impossible.
Semiautonomous drones that surveil the underground and surface alike. Their actions are controlled by onboard AARC systems, working in concert with the central Urban Management AARC.
The general term for all AR displays interpreted as visual information through a GraiEye. It applies to everything from posters and displays in town, to people's clothes, and even the screens that display battle plans. By raising or lowering your GraiEye's level, you can change the level of information displayed.
After being pushed to the brink of extinction by the Meteoras, humanity used AR technology to create the illusion of a reconstructed city. If you turn your GraiEye off, however, you'll see the truth--white walls and the bare minimum of resources. The term describes the tragedy of the 23rd century.
The food most commonly eaten in the underground city. Created by a nutritional compound called "food ink," it is output by 3D food printers. The print food itself boasts a pseudo-realistic taste, and wearing a GraiEye will make it look like real food. Its delivery and preparation is automatic, shoring up the hygiene of the pandemic-vulnerable underground society. It cannot, however, fully recreate the diverse flavors from before 2080.
A military organization that protects the underground from Meteoras. Prometheus has a sparingly small number of members, credited to administrative tasks and Makhia maintenance being taken care of by Professor Julie's specialized AARCs and Argos Drones.
A resistance movement established in the 2130s, they see the Meteoras not as a disaster, but a lightning strike to humanity. They have opposed Prometheus and worshipped the Meteoras for nearly a century, but their internal politics seem to have shifted in the past few years.
A homunculus created by Professor Julie playing god. The Designed's genetic manipulation makes them mentally and physically superior to a human, but they are lacking in the ability to express emotions.
Piloted battle robots invented by Professor Julie for the purpose of defending the city from Meteoras. Although they boast a near unfathomable size, matching the Meteoras at 400 meters in height, they are able to fight for long periods of time on the surface thanks to the Metallic Objects that power them.
Makhia Unit One, piloted by Lieutenant Yamato Amanagi. Makhias are usually deployed in units of two, and the Ares Makhia serves as vanguard. It battles with its sword, the Kusanagi, and defends Makhia Unit Two, the Alto Makhia. Type: Sword Makhia.
Makhia Unit Two, piloted by Lieutenant Chloe. AARC Noa serves as the copilot, taking care of communications and calculations. She sings in battle because her song energy and the rise in motivation it causes have been proven to improve battle capabilities. The Alto Makhia wields the Rail Cannon, a ranged weapon with enough firepower to pierce a Meteora's barrier. Type: Buster Makhia.
An object discovered within a Meteora body, thought to be their central power core. Julie named it for its similarities to a high-level black hole.
An engine made specifically to meet the immense energy needs of the Makhias. It holds an artificial Black Object within, and the gravity energy it emits is sent to the Makhia's various systems and equipment.
An artificial miniature black hole housed within a Metallic Object. Julie created them using a secret accelerator hidden away somewhere in the underground city. An Artificial Black Object is incredibly unstable. If its shell is damaged, the object will immediately evaporate, unleashing Hawking radiation as it causes an immense explosion.
Connection elements built into the bodies of Makhia Pilots. Made from nanomachine crystals, they make their designated Makhia move by transmitting the pilot's biological information. The higher the pilot's synchronicity with the Metallic Object is, the faster their thought processing will be, allowing them to control their unit in super-slow motion.
A system of both offense and defense in the Alto Makhia, built to counter Meteoras. It can convert a Meteora's Thorn Wave into barriers or spears.
An immense rifle built to slay Meteoras, wielded by Chloe's Alto Makhia. It takes the form of two symmetrical rifles that, when combined, gain the output necessary to pierce a Meteora's barrier.
An anti-Meteora sonic tuning weapon. It generates a barrier to protect its Makhia from a Meteora's Thorn Wave, then absorbs the wave and converts it into a weapon.
A composite energy particle. Deployed from the Mirror Generator, they wrap themselves in the surface's dust and debris before forming into the Energy Conversion Barrier.
The end result of a Mirror Generator converting a Meteora's Thorn Wave energy into a Makhia weapon. Because a Makhia does not have unlimited energy, it has to make use of its foe's energy to gain an advantage.
Ring-shaped control markers meant to help Makhia pilots. These reduce the risk of Makhia pilots confusing their personal positions with their unit's positions. They stand a 1.5 meter radius from the pilot.
AR-type artificial nerve connector gloves that link a pilot with their Makhia. The Mikani Link uses processing power to compensate for the difference in body shape between Makhia and pilot, making the machine easier to maneuver. It can be thought of, in essence, as a control stick.
A system that uses a special energy to convert the dust on the surface into a barrier for Makhias.
An oscillatory wave Meteoras emit. It defuses like sound, breaking everything it touches down to an atomic level. This is the secret to the Meteoras' destructive power and what they used to drive humanity to near-extinction. However, some Makhia pilots say that the wave sounds like a human's voice, though they can't parse the age or gender.